There is no back up plan.
From the time I was ten I knew I was a writer. I just knew it. Like others know they have a gift to sing, act, work with numbers, or be a public speaker. Some things are built into the DNA of who you are.
But with other traits, I think, is is easier to find out if your hunch that you are talented is correct. Just look at American Idol. Supposedly, some of these singers on the first few episodes beileve they can sing as well as Celine Dion. Now, our ears tell us they are dead wrong. And that is that. There is no maybe that they might improve and one day be a superstar.
With writing there is a chance to improve. Still, I feel like, to be a professional writer you must have some raw talent. I am building my life around the belief that I do.
This is not to say I expect my writing to make me rich and famous. That is not my goal in the least.
I expect my writing to be something people enjoy reading. I want to still be doing this on the day I die.
I love this.
And there is no back up plan for if I fail at becoming a published writer. I won't know that I have failed untill I am taking my last breath. By that time it will be too late to try something else. And that is fine with me. Because nothing in the world feels as right for me as being a writer.
Song Lyrics of the Day
I have a dream of my own
And it's mine all mine alone
Its been my friend since I was just a girl
It has a life
it has a heart
It has a soul and it's a part
of everything this woman gives the world
And it's a big dream
Big enough to share
Like a rainbow, hanging in the air
And I thank God, for making it come true
Makes me think maybe God's a woman too
Makes me think maybe
God's a woman too
Samantha Mathis
But with other traits, I think, is is easier to find out if your hunch that you are talented is correct. Just look at American Idol. Supposedly, some of these singers on the first few episodes beileve they can sing as well as Celine Dion. Now, our ears tell us they are dead wrong. And that is that. There is no maybe that they might improve and one day be a superstar.
With writing there is a chance to improve. Still, I feel like, to be a professional writer you must have some raw talent. I am building my life around the belief that I do.
This is not to say I expect my writing to make me rich and famous. That is not my goal in the least.
I expect my writing to be something people enjoy reading. I want to still be doing this on the day I die.
I love this.
And there is no back up plan for if I fail at becoming a published writer. I won't know that I have failed untill I am taking my last breath. By that time it will be too late to try something else. And that is fine with me. Because nothing in the world feels as right for me as being a writer.
Song Lyrics of the Day
I have a dream of my own
And it's mine all mine alone
Its been my friend since I was just a girl
It has a life
it has a heart
It has a soul and it's a part
of everything this woman gives the world
And it's a big dream
Big enough to share
Like a rainbow, hanging in the air
And I thank God, for making it come true
Makes me think maybe God's a woman too
Makes me think maybe
God's a woman too
Samantha Mathis
At 7/26/2006 01:35:00 PM,
Suzan Abrams, email: said…
You breathe the spirit of a true writer, Sara when you say that there is no back-up plan. I remember the first time I read you and you were still a stranger and I thought what a beautiful story you wrote about that girl and her mother
And I met Kelly on your blog and then met Kelly's sister through Kelly and I think about how blessed I am having you all for friends.
love always
At 7/27/2006 05:13:00 PM,
RomanceWriter said…
Thank you so much for the kind words, Susan. I, too, feel enriched by you and the other writers I have met online.
At 7/29/2006 06:54:00 PM,
Kelley Nyrae said…
Your words touched my heart. You are a writer! You and Susan are both right. I feel so lucky to have met such wonderful people who are like me. We support one another in ways that people I have been friends with for years and years cant. People who are writers don't understand. I am learning that. I feel so blessed to be writing and able to share our writing with each other.
At 7/30/2006 07:36:00 PM,
Suzan Abrams, email: said…
Kelley and Sara,
you are both beautiful!
On another note, Sara, I've placed your chat group link in my blog. Same list but further down alphabetically under SMP.
At 7/31/2006 04:38:00 PM,
RomanceWriter said…
Thanks Susan! Hope all is going well in your part of the world today.
At 8/01/2006 07:37:00 AM,
RomanceWriter said…
So true! Only writers know how emotional that first sale can be or how frustrating writer's block can feel. I am grateful for knowing you, Susan and all the members of the group.
At 8/02/2006 04:55:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I read ur one shot on fanfiction about jason and carly and i clicked this link, it's freaky, i go by romancewriter too at all the boards i own and post at but its romancewriter88, at and fictionpress i'm isabelle8888 and reading what u said on ur blog it was like i wrote it, i knew i had to be a writer, since i was 7 i wrote little stories now i do much more and focus more on original work
it was really good seeing ur blog and reading ur work
At 8/03/2006 06:20:00 AM,
RomanceWriter said…
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and comment.
I wrote the fan fiction as practice. I am working on some fanfic stories and some original stories right now.
It sounds like we have a lot in common when it comes to our love of writing. I will try to check out your work sometime at fiction press.
I hope you stop by my blog again someday.
Bye for now,
At 8/04/2006 09:39:00 PM,
Ischelle said…
Thank you so much for your continuous nice comments on my site.
I love this entry.
I think I read it three times.
And I love how you stated the DNA aspect.
At 8/05/2006 09:35:00 AM,
RomanceWriter said…
hey Ischelle,
Thanks for stopping by. I d o love reading your poems. Your voice is so unique and memorable. The words in your poems stick with me long after I have read them.
See you around,
At 8/07/2006 11:10:00 AM,
bookwormaddict said…
I found your blog via Susan's (Writing Passions) and this post echos my thoughts exactly!'ve inspired me today. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
At 8/07/2006 12:07:00 PM,
RomanceWriter said…
Hey Heather,
I love that you stopped by and commented. It's great to me more people who share my love of the written word.
See you at the group,
At 8/11/2006 09:01:00 PM,
Carol Ann said…
Romance Writer, I hope you continue pursuing that dream and never let anyone stop you! Dreams do come true. I've always known I wanted to be a writer as well, but wasn't sure how to start. A few years ago, I began to publish short stories on my website, then began taking some creative writing classes. I've been very fortunate in having been picked up for some nonfiction by Chicken Soup and Cup of Comfort, but my big dream came true when I landed my first contract. Keep on writing.
Carol Ann Erhardt, Romance Author
At 9/02/2006 02:54:00 PM,
Pamela Tyner said…
Hey, I know that song :) It’s from the movie "The Thing Called Love" Loved this dialogue in it:
"This check seems to be made out to 'selfish, arrogant dickhead'."
"Yeah, they'll cash it. They know it's you."
I hope your writing is going well.
At 9/02/2006 03:05:00 PM,
RomanceWriter said…
I love that movie. And especially the song. The dialogue you posted cracked me up.
Thanks for leaving a comment.
At 2/28/2007 06:09:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Where did you find it? Interesting read » »
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