I am overwhelmed by the thought of completely finishing the writing of my novel Nikolas and Simone. I feel like I have ADD ( but I don't) because I can't focus on it for very long, my mind is scattered, it seems too much to break it down and perfect each part of it. The whole is something I can not, at this time, work with so I am trying to just deal with it piece by piece.
The most horrible habit I have is diverting my attention to other projects and story ideas. Of course they look more appealing. They are new, like the blueprints for some dazzling mansion only Donald Trump could afford to build. The new story idea could be magnificent and so my mind wants to pursue it.
But I've been in this game long enough now to know that there will always be a new idea begging for attention. The trick is to stay faithful to your old, tired, losts it luster and new car smell original idea.
Novel writing is not for wimps, I will tell you that. It takes the ability to harness all the creativity, willpower, and determination you have and, at the same time, wrestle down all your demons, doubts and fears while typing till your fingers bleed and your butt takes on a new shape from sitting at the computer one too many hours.
I was watching a reality show the other day called The Lot. It was about wannabe directors. One said "The difference between brain surgery and directing is brain surgery is easy."
Insert writing for directing and I could not agree more.
Well that is where I am at right now, plugging along. Where are you?