I write to keep me sane. I write so that my words may outlive my life. I write to find redemption

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Feeling better

After weeks of feeling like a semi ran me over, sleeping 10 hours a night and having no appetite ( which was bizarre because I always say I could eat McDonalds and then stop at Burger King) I am finally starting to feel better. I have not put any effort into my writing in a while but I hope to get back to it soon. Maybe I will add a paragragh to newwriterschat@yahoogroups round robin story to get my writing juices flowing again.

What I am reading - A Secret Word by Jennifer Paddock

Sunday, August 28, 2005


I have never been any good at sticking to resolutions. I vow to change habits and start routines but never have success sticking to that. The same thing has happened with my writing. Like a diet that I'm bored with I fall out of the daily routine of sticking to it and then weeks or months pass before I get back to it. This time writing is still in the forefront of my mind but not feeling well takes precedent. I feel like this is a roadblock to test my will to finish this novel. Will I pass or fail once again?
Song lyrics of the Day
And even though the moment passed me by
I still can't turn away
Cuz all the dreams you never thought you'd lose
Got tossed along the way
And letters that you never meant to send
Got lost or thrown away
And now we're grown up orphans
And never knew their names
We don't belong to no one
That's a shame
But you could hide beside me
Maybe for a while
And I won't tell no one your name
And I won't tell 'em your name
Goo Goo Dolls

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Going to the Doctor

For a while now I have been dogged by earaches, toothaches, sinus infections and a sore thoart. Once one was gone a new thing would pop up within days. On Monday I will finally get in to see a doctor. Hopefully once I am better I can get back to writing. I miss J.S. She was fun to spend time with and learn about. But feeling as sick as I have I haven't been able to think straight enough to get back into writing Pisces Rising.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

My Truth about Category

One reason I started off trying to write romantic suspense, more specifically a Harlequin Intrigue type novel, is because I felt it might be easier to break into. I enjoyed reading Harlequin INtrigues and had some ideas for them but the ideas turned out not to be enough to last a whole novel. But I loved the idea of not having to have a agent to submit. That is one thing that kept me from trying to write the Chick Lit ideas I had. Now that I am finding it easier to write Chick Lit than Romantic Suspense I fear having a harder time ever selling.

Song Lyrics of Day-
You know a dream is like a river
ever changing as it flows
and the dreamers just a vessel
who must follow where it goes
Trying to learn from what's behind you
never knowing what's in store
makes each day a constant battle
just to stay between the shores

Garth Brooks song

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Shhh, keep this quiet, just between you and me,ok? In my offline life no one knows I have a blog. I told the other writers in the yahoo group, the two people who joined my MSN group, and my critique partner but I have no clue if they have stopped by. Even though I rarely mention anything other than my writing I feel like I am more free to write honestly if my offline friends and family are not reading this. Any of you other bloggers blogging away in secret?
What I am reading- Goodbye Steve McQueen
The main character in this novel is very much like J.S. , the heroine from Pisces Rising, boyfriend. They are both rockers/slacker types but Steve McQueen is likable while J.S.'s guy could compete for the title of Worst Boyfriend to Ever be in a Chick Lit Novel. Yes, he is that bad. I have thought about adding a scene where I try to make him more likable so that the readers won't be saying "WTF, she deserves what he does to her if she is going to be with that loser!" but every time I write a scene with him he speaks up and all I hear is his grouchy, selfish me me me whine.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

30 pages by Aug. 15th?

Last week I pledged to the online yahoo group I belong to that I would write 30 pages by Aug. 15th. The last time I made a pledge it kicked off the writing of Pisces Rising and worked out better than I could have ever hoped. But this time I haven't made any progress. I am still sick and without the money to see a doctor I am not sure when, or if, I will be feeling better any time soon. I still think I could have gotten some writing done and I plan to buckle down this week and try. If not then I must stare at the blank page/screen which I have not been doing.

Song Lyrics of the Day-
Now some people think I'm a loser
'Cause I seldom get things right.......
please tell me you will remember
No matter how much
I do wrong
That I had the best of intentions
all along

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Out of Sync

I still haven'tdived back into Pisces Rising. I don't think I will have much luck writing that book in a month in November because I can not seem to write a little each day. I get on spurts and then go dry. I need to get back into my groove because I am missing J.S. I already feel guilty enough about abandoning Allie and Spencer, like abad mommy who left her kids in the grocery story and is too lazy to go back and get them. But when I last saw( meaning where I am in their story) them they were standing in Spencer's kitchen looking at a note sent by Allie's stalker. Jenna is not in such a clear spot since I wrote her story out of order. I know the beginning and end but how she gets to the end is a mystery I must still solve.

Lyrics of the day
Trying to find the magic
Trying to write a classic
Don’t you know,
don’t you know,
don’t you know?
Waste-bin full of paper
Clever rhymes, see you later


Monday, August 01, 2005

Slow Crawl

I only wrote three pages last week. After being sick for over a week before that I fell out of sync with J.S., the herione in Pisces Rising. Since I am writing in first person I need to be hearing and feeling her to write. I have to carve out some time to sit down and get back into my story. Also my computer was down the first three weeks of July and I found since I wasn't playing on the net I had plenty of time to write. Now I need to either ignore the net at home or head off to the library to write.

Tv shows I got hooked on this summer-
The First 48- -It inspired me when I was working on Come Back to Me
Dancing with the Stars- I was rooting for Kelly Monaco since I am a ABC soap fan. The next edition should not have a soap star because he or she will win again. Soap fans are dedicated to supporting their favorites.
Hooking Up- Where in the world did they find so many unlikable or flat out crazy people ? I wanted to like the girl from Iowa because I am from Indiana, in a bid for midwesterners sticking together, but she is too loopy for me to root for.